Shawarma Can Cause Cancer – Doctor



Shawarma has become a stable junk in Nigeria, mostly preferred by young ladies who almost can’t go a day without taking a bite. Is it safe?

Before we delve into the dangers of Shawarma, perhaps it would be wise to discuss its health benefits, and yes, there are a handful of health benefits.

-Good shawarma are usually prepared with a lot of vegetables and this is a good form of fiber which ensures a healthy Digestive system

-Some shawarma are made with chicken which is a good source of protein, vitamins and some healthy fats


– Shawarma contains a lot of carbs and calories which can be useful in people trying to gain weight


Now the health risks

A bill of the health risks of shawarma are centred around the hotdog 🌭 which is processed meat classified as a Class A carcinogen. Carcinogens are items


which have the propensity to cause cancer.

Hotdogs also contain preservatives and unhealthy fatty acids which is detrimental to heart health and brain healthy .

Of course having a bite of Shawarma will not automatically give you cancer. These things are cumulative effects.

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What can you do to help yourself ?


Always have it at the back of your mind that Shawarma is unhealthy. Therefore

-reduce how frequently you eat them

-go for the ones with more vegetables and fresh meat instead of hotdog

-if it’s possible to give instructions to exclude hotdog, do it. 

Taking health advise from Doctör Penking will not make you live forever, but you’ll live a longer and happier life and will not die an avoidable death


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