Nanny Apprehended for Performing a Sexual Act on a One Year Old Boy (video)


A Nanny identified as Busayo Monday has been apprehended for allegedly performing a sexual act on a one-year-old baby boy she was employed to cater to.


The Story Of Madam Koi Koi – Family


Mother of the victim, Opeyem Aimna, who shared the shocking story online, said the suspect who is from Cotonou was apprehended after she watched the CCTV she installed in her home and saw the shocking moment Busayo removed her baby’s diaper and performed oral sex on him.


She posted a video online where Busayo confessed to defiling the baby. Opeyemi wrote


‘’Let me tell you something about all these maids. They are only working for you because of what they can gain not because of the salary you’re paying them. Which is why even after your kindness and gifts, they prefer to go elsewhere and never come back after Christmas holiday because they have studied your house and seen that the plans they original had wouldn’t work. so they prefer to try another home. You see this girl, her name is Busayo Monday. I thought she was the nicest and most hardworking girl I ever came across. I hardly complain about her work and she took good care of the kids.(So I thought ). until she gave me the shocker of my life. This one is the definition of pure undiluted evil human being. She is a child predator, a molester, a rapist and a psychotic being. Barely 2months after she started work, she was caught on cctv performing all sort of immoral acts on a year old boy. The sad part is that they will package her to another innocent family, she will sway them with her quiet looks and humble demeanor and if they don’t have a CCTV, She would get away with her evil plans. Please install a camera in your homes if you’re leaving your innocent kids with either professional nannies or any kind of nanny, please install a cctv because this girl can put poison in your food if she feels like. Her name is Busayo Monday, from cotonou”


See Video below:


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